Monday, September 15, 2014

Capturing life's sweetest moments...

Sweet Everly...she's a fighter, born with Pierre Robin Sequence and kicking it's butt!
Photography... a hobby, a dream, an outlet, a passion. I've wanted a nice camera for quite some time. However, life always seemed to get in the, surgeries, cars, houses, you name it. Recently, I have been blessed with the opportunity to purchase a camera to develop my passion. Little did I realize how God would speak to me through it all.  I have been able to experience more deeply all that He's created specifically the crown of His creation, YOU ALL!

Miracle baby, Hannah, prayed for by so many!

I cannot put into words how much I've enjoyed capturing life's most precious moments, sharing sweet memories with friends, proof of answered prayers and being a part of their life's journey. Over the past year I have had the honor to see friends find their soulmate, marry their best friend, shed tears of joy over tiny lives they thought would never come to be, celebrate healing after months of uncertainty, and watch children grow into beautiful, strong and mature adults and capture it all in a picture. New meaning to a picture is worth a thousand words.

Rachel, beautiful inside and out living her life for Jesus and setting an example for others to do the same.
Looking back at these photos I love what they represent...LIFE. With all of the bad in the world, sometimes it's hard to find the good, but here in these photos we see life's beautiful moments. Reminds me of the verse in John 10 verse 10, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have LIFE and have it to the FULL." As well as John 16:33 "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." In the midst of life's struggles and heartbreaks don't miss out on God's blessings.
Friendships that span over thousands of miles.
p.s. If you're interested in booking a photo session contact me at
Help me develop my passion and get a great deal! $40/hr location photo shoot, 25 edited pictures and
all unedited digital files.

Friday, July 25, 2014

More of Him, less of me

Anxiety...fear, worry, loneliness, sin.

"Have more faith."
"Pray about it."
"Just trust God."  ...they all reply.

I need more. That's not enough. The common responses from fellow Christians tend to require more of me, more action on my part. I know people are just trying to be helpful, however I can't do it on my own, those things haven't worked for me. I don't think many of us truly understand anxiety, but most of us experience anxiety, constantly! I know I didn't fully understand it and still don't completely. My main question through all of this searching became: What about Him? What's His role in all of this?

I've been working through the study: The Gospel Centered Life  this summer and the root message is More of Him, less of me. Thinking about this and meditating on Matthew 6:25-34. I came up with the following on how to bid my anxious fears:

v.25- Trust God with the details- He's got this. More of Him, less of me

v.26- I'm valuable, precious in His sight- all because of what His Son did for me. More of Him, less of me

v.27.- Worry/Anxiety- more harmful than helpful- WAIT? When Me, Myself and I try to figure out a solution to every possible problem or potential issue and stress out like crazy it's creating more problems. More of Him, less of me

v.30- We are the crown of His creation, He will take care of me. More of Him, less of me

vs.31-23- When I, me again, worries I am forgetting His promises and diminishing His power. More of Him, less of me

Oh the Father's love...

So summing it all up God revealed these steps to me and they WORK!

1) Identify: I am anxious! I am worrying! I fear ____.

2) Recognize: I can't make it stop. I can't make it go away. I am powerless.

3) Release: Give up! Let go, let God, release my control and power to Him

4) Reside: He's got this! He's go me! He can handle it.

I put so much pressure on myself to be prepared for any and every circumstance when all I really need to do is STOP- Identify-Recognize-Relax-Reside in HIM!

More of Him, less of me